Appearances, talks and presentations
Colour Key:
Training/Meta (talks about talks) ,
Guest appearance- Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, Cardiff University, 26-11-2024
Seminar talk, Filling the Gap on Droplet Dynamics s - Maths in Action, Education in Action (Manchester), 25-11-2024
Outreach talk, From Symphony to the Sea - National Mathematics and Science College, Warwick, 18-11-2024
Outreach talk, Everyday Fluid Dynamics - Maths in Action, Education in Action (Midlands), 12-11-2024
Outreach talk, From Symphony to the Sea - Maths Communication Module, University of Warwick, 08-11-2024
Lecture, Public Speaking and Livestreaming - UK Fluids Network Conference, Swansea University, 09-09-2024
Contributed talk, Filling the Gap on Droplet Dynamics - PiForum, University of Leicester, 03-09-2024
Invited talk, Advertising PhD Your Way - Applied Maths Postgraduate Conference, University of Warwick, 08-07-2024
Invited Workshop, Maths Communication - Pint of Science, Saracens head (Bath), 14-05-2024
Outreach talk, Fluids, fluids everywhere and not a drop to drink! - British Applied Maths Colloquium (BAMC), University of Newcastle, 11-04-2024
Minisymposia Organiser, Maths Communication Minisymposia - British Applied Maths Colloquium (BAMC), University of Newcastle, 11-04-2024
Minisymposia talk, How I learned to stop worrying and love the 'Comm - Physics in Action, Education in Action (London), 06-12-2023
Outreach talk, Everyday Fluid Dynamics - Chalkdust Issue #18, by Ellen Jolley \& Bethany Clarke, 06-12-2023
Interview, Link: In Conversation with Kat Phillips - Physics in Action, Education in Action (Manchester), 21-11-2023
Outreach talk, Everyday Fluid Dynamics - Physics in Action, Education in Action (University of Birmingham), 10-11-2023
Outreach talk, Everyday Fluid Dynamics - The Aperiodical, by Katie Steckles, 01-11-2023
Interview, Link: One to Watch - Math-Sys CDT Forum, University of Warwick, 11-10-2023
Seminar talk, Kat Does Maths - From bouncing droplets to Subathons - Talking Maths in Public, University of Newcastle, 31-08-2023
Lightning Talk, How I learned to stop worrying and love the ‘Comm - International Convention of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), University of Waseda, 22-08-2023
Poster, Drop Impact: modelling a lubrication air layer and surface waves in droplet rebound dynamics - Youtube Takeover, Simon Clark, 24-05-2023
Video, Link: The Ultimate Fluid Mechanics Tier List - Waves and Free Surface Flows: The next 20 years, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) Edinburgh, 16-05-2023 Invited Talk, Drop Impact: modelling a lubrication air layer and surface waves in droplet rebound dynamics
- British Applied Maths Colloquium (BAMC), University of Bristol & University of West England, 11-04-2023
Contributed talk, Drop Impact: modelling a lubrication air layer and surface waves in droplet rebound dynamics - SAMBa Summer Conference, University of Bath, 06-07-2022
Contributed talk, Lubrication layer cushioned capillary-scale rebound dynamics - British Applied Maths Colloquium (BAMC), University of Loughborough, 11-04-2022
Minisymposia talk, Lubrication layer driven capillary-scale rebound dynamics: A pesudo-spectral approach - PhD Stories, Simon Clark Youtube, 24-05-2023
Interview, Link: How to get a PhD in Fluid Mechanics? - Girls who STEM, by Meg, 01-11-2021
Interview, Link: Women in STEM Wednesdays - SAMBa Summer Conference, University of Bath, 06-07-2021
Poster, Lubrication layer cushioned capillary-scale rebound dynamics - SAMBa Summer Conference, Virtual (University of Bath), 08-07-2020
Lightning talk, Why is a bomb in the ocean like rain?