PhD Your Way

PhD Your Way was a brainchild between myself and Patrick Nairne, to try and revolutionise the way that we apply for mathematics PhDs within the UK. There is so much information, that from the inside of the academic glass tower, appears obvious, but for those not on the ‘in’ can be incredibly hard to get hold of. When I started considering a PhD during my undergraduate, I fully thought you had to apply for student finance, just like for a masters degrees. It’s this unspoken privelige that we’re working to remove.

The event is an annual online mixbetween a job fair and an open day, where we do the work of bringing together the UK universities, and put as much information from each one side-by-side in clear and easy to digest format. This means that attendees aren’t having to spend hours they may not have scouring every institutions website, and hopefully they can consider all univeristies to find the best one for them.

What’s more, we collaborate with the institutions to provide a virtual job-fair style space where the attendees can meet real current PhD students, and ask the questions that you may be too intimidated to put in an email, like “what’s the social life actually like?”, “Is cost of living in the area reasonable?”, or perhaps most importantly “What’s XX like as a supervisor?”. The chance to chat to current PhD students in a relaxed and friendly setting aims to give people the BEST chance at finding the right PhD for them.

I am so passionate about this project that the link to the main website can be found in the navigation bar at the top of this page!