How I learned to stop worrying and love the (Maths)Comm


One of the most integral parts of research is the dissemination of knowledge, and being able to do this effectively can drastically improve the impact of your work. There are so many more routes of comunication that we as academics are able to utilise beyond the standard routes of writing papers and presentinc at conferences with talks and posters.This talk is an introduction to the breath of communication styles we will welcome in the rest of the minisymposia, as well as an exploration of the key concepts that are widely used by effective communicators.

Throughout my PhD I have developed a passion for maths communication, and started my outreach career on Twitch, a platform typically underused for STEM, but with an ever-growing community of communicators on the platform. This new medium of commuication forced me to discover what makes communication effective, and how I need to adapt if I want to keep the content the same while the medium may change. Through this somewhat unconventional method of outreach, I have developed a portfolio of tips and tricks that I believe can be utilised by academics at all stages of career to improve their communication methods.

Finally with this talk and minisymposia we hope to open the conversation about how we communicate as academics, as we believe there is no one right way to do things, however we hope that the discussions from this session will remain with you throughout your career.